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WorkPackage Group 1

Network Studies

Leader IMEC (Ghent) M0-M36

WorkPackage 1

Network scenarios and requirements

The objective is the definition and analysis of the requirements of network operators. Requiremenys of both new entrants and incumbent operators are equally taken into account. The network requirements serve ad input for all other WPs.

WorkPackage 2


The main objective is to study co-ordinated resilience strategies in multilayer and multidomain network based on the combination of a server OTN layer and different client layers (SDH, IP, ATM)

WorkPackage 3

Planning and evaluation

The objective is to propose multilayer network planning methodologies considering different recovery strategies (input from WP2), on the basis of the trade-off between costs and network performance. The multilayer network will be an OTN at the physical level, an IP layer at the highest layer and some possible intermediate layer such as SDH and ATM.
Last Modified: April 2000

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