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D1: Information Exchange (M3)

D2: Project presentation (M3)

D3: Plans for project dissemination (M6)

D4: Explotation plans (M6)

D5: Report on the preliminary OA&M specifications for the testbed (M8)

D6: Network scenarios and requirements (M9)

D7: Failure scenario's of resilience in multilayer networks (M9)

D9: Preliminary architecture and design of the umbrella management system (M11)

D10: Multilayer resilient network planning and evaluation: preliminary result (M11)

D11: Functional requirements for interfaces (M12)

D12: Architecture and design of the umbrella management system (M17)

D13: First report on the definition of OA&M in the OTN (M18)

D14: Preliminary implementation of subsystems and umbrella management system for testbed (M18)

D15: Functional description of optical transport network (M18)

D16: Resilience interworking strategies in multilayer networks (M21)

D17: Testbed experiments: identification and design (M23)

D18: Optimisation of network architectures (M23)

D19: Multilayer resilient network planning and evaluation: intermediate result (M23)

D20: Implementation of subsystems and umbrella management systems for testbed (M26)

D21: Network level interface for the umbrella management system (M27)

D22: Functional description of an integrated optical transport (M30)

D23: Final report on OA&M concepts in a multilayer network (M30)

D24: Multilayer resilient network planning and evaluation: finalresult (M34)

D25: Final conclusions on resilience interworking strategies in multilayer networks (M34)

D26: Dissemination (M34)

D27: Recommendations for network (M36)

D28: Testbed experiments assessment (M36)

D29: Technology implementation plan (M36)

Last Modified: January 2001

Mail to Us Last Modified: Jan 2001