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WPG1 Network Studies

WorkPackage 3: Planning and evaluation


SIRTI () M0-M34


Task 1: Specification of funcionalities of available planning and simulation tools

Task 2: Identification of significant case studies

Task 3: Definition of a methodology to plan an integreted, IP based, multilayer resilient network

Task 4: Evaluation of costs and performances


D10: Multilayer resilient network planning and evaluation: preliminary results (M11)

D19: Multilayer resilient network planning and evaluation: intermediate result (M23)

D24: Multilayer resilient network planning and evaluation: finalresult (M34)


WP3M1: Specification of funcionality of the available planning and simulation tools (M9)

WP3M2: Definition of network planning case studies (M18)

Last Modified: April 2000

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